Introduction to Leadership Coaching - Monday 18 November 2024 (Caterham School, Surrey)

This course is for: Senior and middle managers who are either new to coaching or have some experience.


What will you gain by attending?

Delegates will acquire a toolkit of coaching techniques that can be easily applied in a range of school contexts, and for both staff and students.

Course Aims:

Coaching has never been more in demand than in the current period of change and uncertainty. This course will enable you to:

  • Empower colleagues to develop professionally and personally
  • Improve your own self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Understand common misconceptions about coaching
  • Establish a culture of coaching in your school

Course Outline:

Delegates will learn about a wide range of coaching and neuroscientific models. Models covered include: GROW, Imposter Syndrome, The Inner Game, and Stimulus & Response.
Delegates will also have the opportunity to put coaching techniques into practice immediately with three rounds of coaching in triads.

Preparatory work:

All delegates will be sent some brief pre-course reading, plus a Strengths analysis questionnaire.

Course Programme:



09:00 – 09.30

Arrival, registration, and coffee

09.30 -09.35


09.35 – 11.00

Session 1: What coaching is & isn’t

11.00 – 11.15

Refreshment break in lounge

11.15 – 12.50

Session 2: Coaching Models, Coaching Practice I & Plenary 

12.50 – 13.30

Lunch in restaurant

13.30 – 15.10

Session 3: Coaching Practices II & III & Plenaries 


Informal refreshment break

15.10 – 15.45

Session 4: Embedding change; Reflection and Next Steps

15.45 – 16.00

Closing remarks and depart

Course Director Biography:

Kim is Deputy Head (Learning and Teaching) at Caterham School and has been teaching for 25 years, of which 18 have been as a Senior Leader. He has delivered school training at over 100 schools in the UK to date and has spoken at numerous conferences (including HMC and GSA) about teaching and learning.

Kim qualified as an Executive Level 7 Coach with the Institute of Leadership & Management in 2016, and as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coach Federation in 2020. He also runs IStip’s Coaching skills for ECT Mentors programme.

He is in a rare group of educational trainers; his training is rooted in, and informed by, his ongoing experience of both the classroom and the staffroom.

November 23 Delegate Feedback:

"Excellent course - really enjoyed it, very well pitched and extremely useful."